Is Coding Required for Data Analytics?
03/20/2022 2022-03-20 3:06Is Coding Required for Data Analytics?
As a non-programmer looking to venture into the data analytics field, it’s normal to be skeptical. Nearly all tech roles require one form of coding or the other. So, you need to know what you’re up against before it’s too late.
Which brings us to the first vital question: is coding required for data analytics?
No, coding is not required for data analytics. However, there are several instances where knowing how to code in specific programming languages will help advance your career in data analytics. Nevertheless, you can become a professional data analyst without coding.
If coding is not compulsory, why do so many people believe it is. We’ll answer this question next.
Do Data Analysts Code?
The simple answer is: yes, some data analysts do code. Basic data analytics techniques such as dealing with statistics, interpreting trends, and creating reports do not require coding.
Knowing how to use some analytics and visualization software (e.g., Tableau and Power BI) is enough for you to perform your duties successfully. However, there are certain instances where coding skills could be of help.
Role of Coding in Data Analytics
Let’s find out how coding enhances data analytics.
Solving Complex Problems
Sometimes datasets are more complex than you may be comfortable handling the traditional way. Some coding skills could help you implement a more advanced approach to tackling such problems. Code-based programs are reusable, faster, and scalable. Hence, they are suitable for analyzing complex data.
Transition to Data Science
Many people wrongly consider data analysts and data scientists as the same. There is some truth to this claim, but the fact is, data science is a more robust field than data analytics. While the data analyst focuses on statistics, mathematics, probability, and visualization; the data scientist uses coding skills and machine learning to build problem-solving models.
Better Flexibility and Efficiency
Most recruiters will prefer to work with a data analyst who knows how to code because of their flexibility. Programmers have the advantage when working with data because they require less assistance from engineers.
Best Coding Skills for Data Analysts
We recommend you to get some coding skills soon, even if you have already started working as an analyst. The benefits are too good to ignore.
Let’s look at the most relevant programming languages to learn if you want to become a valuable data analyst.
- Python
- Java
- C++
- Perl
How to Learn
Don’t waste your time and money picking up useless coding skills. We have courses to teach you only the most relevant coding skills along with other aspects of data analytics. Click HERE to begin your journey.